Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent
**UPDATED 4/20/2009**Susan Boyle released two songs 10 years ago:
Full updated story HERE
Susan Boyle, a 47 year old, never been kissed, wanna be professional singer sings "I Dreamed a Dream" from the musical "Les Miserables" on Britan's Got Talent.
I've watched a lot of reality TV and I get their format. I watched some of America's Got Talent last summer and understand that 99% of the time, when someone that looks like Susan Boyle steps on the stage, you can expect a series of Xs from the judges followed by harsh comments about a shoddy performance.
Well Susan definitely surprised the judges, audience, and hosts with her performance. Watch Susan Boyle's audition at youtube HERE.
Please submit your heartwarming stories -
I. Was. Stunned. She is a "Rudy", never expected to be anything, and she has captured the hearts and minds of the world because *she believed* in herself. Amazing, I can't wait to see what her future holds!